Strategy and Performance: a Study on the Internationalization of the Major Brazilian Cashew-Nut Exporting Companies
Código: ESO785
Divisão: ESO - Estratégia em Organizações
Tema de Interesse: ESO-B - Gestão Internacional
Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante Forte, Anne Caroline Saraiva Marinho, Oderlene Vieira de Oliveira
International commerce has become, increasingly, an important mechanism of cultural andeconomic affirmation for countries and companies that wish to enter competitively in worldmarkets. This entrance requires from the organization a change in global attitude towards thetransnational way of management, which makes it necessary to promote mechanisms thatfacilitate the anticipation and adaptation of this change, which brings the need forperformance measurement systems. In this perspective, this research surveys the existingrelationship between the international entry/operation mode and the degree ofinternationalization of the Brazilian cashew-nut exporting companies between the moment oftheir entrance into internationalization, in 2007 and in a future state (2011). The theoreticalreferential was based on Sharma and Erramilli (2004), and Sullivan (1994). The methodologyconsisted on a quantitative study of descriptive nature. Primary data were collected in the yearof 2007, in nine Brazilian cashew-nut exporting companies. It was concluded that there is nodirect relationship between the international entry/operation mode and the degree ofinternationalization in the Brazilian cashew-nut exporting companies.
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