Strategic Resources and Capabilities for Internationalization
Código: ESO2631
Divisão: ESO - Estratégia em Organizações
Tema de Interesse: ESO-B - Gestão Internacional
Ricardo Pitelli de Britto, Elaine Mandotti de Oliveira Britto
This article tries to show how strategic resources and capabilities developed by companiescontribute to their readiness to export, considered as the most frequent path tointernationalization. A research was conducted through random sampling, structuredquestionnaires, qualitative and quantitative questions. The research offers a contribution toBrazilian companies in which resources and capabilities that contribute to their readiness toexport are identified. The company president or director was interviewed. The questionnairewas developed by Dr. Cavusgil, at Michigan State University-MSU and it is found on thesoftware “Core”, which is MSU software offered for use in this research. The results showthat the bigger the resources and capabilities of the company, the bigger the volume of exportsalthough there is no guarantee of export growth.
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