EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

The Propensity To Export Of Software SMEs


Código: ESO179
Divisão: ESO - Estratégia em Organizações
Tema de Interesse: ESO-B - Gestão Internacional


Dirk Michael Boehe


This study validates a path model which explains the propensity to export of small andmedium sized software firms. Drawing on theoretical contributions from internationalentrepreneurship literature, the stages model and the theory of the growth of the firm, weshow how and why foreign market knowledge barriers influence internationalentrepreneurship orientation. Moreover, we investigate how international experience of SMEexecutives, the business model of software firms and research collaborations influence bothantecedents of export propensity. The study has practical relevance as it gives clues regardingthe question of how SMEs might enhance their chances to become successful exporters.

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