EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

Integrative Strategy Formation Process and the Management of Complex Work in a Spanish University - A Microorganizational Analisys


Código: ESO595
Divisão: ESO - Estratégia em Organizações
Tema de Interesse: ESO-A - Estratégia em Organizações


Rosalia Aldraci Barbosa Lavarda, María Teresa Canet-Giner, Fernando Juan Peris-Bonet


The aim of this research is to analyse how the strategy formation process takesplace, through which variables it is more efficient and how it generates better results;Verifying the relationship between an integrative strategy formation process and themanagement of work (Perrow, 1967, 1970, Ouchi, 1980, Peris et al., 2006); moreover theconsequences of this relationship in terms of performance, identifying the causes for a betterfit and focusing on the management of complex work. In addition to searching for if there isany new variable that could better explain the relationship between an integrative strategyformation process and the management of complex work. After the case analysis we obtainthat integrative and emergent strategy formation processes are effective when managingcomplex work. As an advance of one of the results, we have identified two different variables(flexibility and the role of the middle manager) that can have an influence in the subject ofstudy; also, we found (as it was proposed after the theoretical review) that if there is animportant fit between the variables that define an integrative strategy formation process andthe design variables used in the management of work, the process will be more efficient and,consequently, the organisation will obtain better results.

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