EnANPAD 2011

Trabalhos apresentados

High Definition Pay TV in Brazil: Investigating Driving Factors for Adoption


Código: MKT174
Divisão: MKT - Marketing
Tema de Interesse: Tema 09 - Marketing: Inovação, Tecnologia e Interatividade


Daniel da Hora Alves Lima, Luis Fernando Hor-Meyll, Jorge Brantes Ferreira


Apart from free-to-air (standard television) transmissions to mobile devices, the only featurethat digital television can currently offer in Brazil is HD (high-definition) content, mostly tohigh-income users that are pay TV subscribers. The sluggish pace of digital TV adoption hasbeen the subject of studies in many different countries: Weber and Evans (2002) reportedslow adoption in the USA and in the United Kingdom; Weerakkody (2003) and Feng et al.(2009) comment on low adoption rates in Australia and China. Others (Menezes et al., 2005;Holanda, Avila, and Martins, 2008; Souza and Souza, 2009) suggest that socioeconomic andfinancial factors act as inhibitors of its diffusion in Brazil, highlighting the importance of lowavailable family income and the high perceived cost of the required equipment. This articleexamines how different factors affect the adoption intention of HD pay TV services byBrazilian consumers. These factors and their relation to adoption intention are included inseveral models found in the literature: Rogers (2003) - observability, triability andcomplexity; Hirschman (1980), Saaksjarvi (2003), Rogers (2003), Hall (2004) - degree ofknowledge; Ostlund (1974), Peters and Venkatesan (1973), Labay and Kinnear (1981),Fliegel and Kivlin (1966) - perceived risk; Lin (1998), Dupagne (1999), Chan-Olmsted andChang (2006), Dupagne and Driscoll (2009) - perceived features. Fifteen interviews withpotential users were carried out to identify stimuli and barriers to adoption. A survey wasconducted on a convenience sample of 348 pay TV subscribers, who were not subscribers ofHDTV services. Snowball sampling was chosen to obtain a reasonable number of validquestionnaires that would ensure the reliability of the analysis. The questionnaire was postedon a website, to where respondents were directed via an email. Data mining and decision treemodeling were used to assess the relationship among perceived attributes of HD pay TVservice and their contribution to the intention to subscribe to the service. Different profiles ofconsumers, with higher or lower chances of adoption, could be inferred from results: affluentconsumers with a positive view toward content might be dissuaded from adopting thetechnology if they perceive it as too complex or difficult to use. Even if HD content is seen asavailable, income and perceived resources can play a defining role in the consumer\'s finaldecision. The availability of digital/HD content is the most important variable in the adoptionprocess, and consumers that do not perceive content as available have very low intention toadopt the technology.

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