EnANPAD 2011

Trabalhos apresentados

Learning How to Co-create Value: a Proposition for Using Developmental Work Research toward the Transformation of Marketing Practices


Código: MKT2776
Divisão: MKT - Marketing
Tema de Interesse: Tema 03 - Métodos de Pesquisa e Teoria em Marketing


Paulo Sergio Altman Ferreira, Andrew Simpson


The present study addresses conceptual elaboration on a methodological approach thatadvances alternative ontological and epistemological stances from current research related tothe marketing domain. These philosophical and methodological standpoints createpossibilities for fresh insights and interpretive findings for marketing as value co-creation.Outcomes of research using this alternative approach, namely Developmental Work Research,in other areas have indicated the affordance of this methodology in elucidatingtransformations in the process of organising and its capacity for explicating and anticipatinglearning. Thus, it presents itself as a promising framework for accessing the dynamictransformation of marketing practices interwoven with knowledge and learning, as well asunveiling the complex network wherein actors simultaneously navigate. Within this vision,the main aim of the present study is to put forward a methodology of research able to disclosechange and learning while placing these aspects at the core of value co-creating activities. Theontology of the dialectical materialism of practice grounding Developmental Work Researchpermits a dynamic view on the transformation of marketing practices in the direction of valueco-creating activities. The changing practice of marketing is seen in terms of reciprocallyinfluencing elements of subjective (individual), inter-subjective (group) and sociocultural(materialised concepts and/ or instruments) levels. The epistemology of practice translated inDevelopmental Work Research emphasises the conditions for approaching human agency andsocial change. In advancing these ontological and epistemological fundaments, marketing asvalue co-creation could gain a renewed relevant strand of inquiry accumulating with thecurrent emphasis on how to do marketing as value co-creation a new strand of inquiry on howmarketing activities evolve towards value co-creation. Transformations in collective practicesof marketing could be seen in a wider context and connected with qualitative changes of itsinstruments, rules and roles. Exploring these aspects could build on the character of changeand transformation within the fundamental principle of value co-creation as a chain ofresource exchange encounters. Ultimately, the net of interchanging resources could be viewedin its dynamic changes by means of an interventionist approach unveiling the intertwinedcharacter of activities transformations and collective learning. Practitioners could also gainfrom the interventionist methodology of Developmental Work Research in a number of ways.As a consequence of improved engagement, novel and different relations with clients andother stakeholders could emerge. Through this enhanced interactions, products and servicescould gain advanced characters based on the innovative nature of their conception anddevelopment. All these benefits are fundamentally related with an enhanced capacity oflearning related to the entire network as a result of understanding the critical causes ofeveryday problems and disturbances.

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