EnANPAD 2011

Trabalhos apresentados

Applying an Extension of Chester Barnard's Theory as a Contribution to the Understanding of Project's Nature


Código: GCT2375
Divisão: GCT - Gestão de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Tema de Interesse: Tema 08 - Inovação e Gestão de Projetos


Fernando de Almeida Galdino, Milton de Freitas Chagas Júnior


The purpose of this paper is to contribute, through the provision of a conceptual basis, to abetter understanding of the nature of projects, extending Chester Barnard’s theory. This papermakes use of the concepts described by Barnard in his book The Functions of the Executive.These concepts are used as a basis for a discussion regarding projects and projectmanagement. The notion of an organization as a temporary cooperative system is extended tothe concept of project. In the literature regarding Project Management many authors use todefine project as a temporary organization. The objective is to link Barnard’s theory with thecurrent ones applied to project management and those that has been developed by importantauthors. Organizations are created due to the natural limitations of individuals. Projects arecreated due to the natural limitation of the organizations when they need to adapt and makechanges required to its survival and growth in the environment. Projects are also required toallow the redefinition of the organizational purpose. This paper also explores the role of theproject manager and his communication with the original organization and the project team inorder to align different purposes. This paper establishes clear connection between Barnard’sand Project Management concepts. A project is seen as a temporary cooperative system thatresults in an organization that is decoupled, in some extension, from the parent organizational.Its results are later used to redefine and change the organizational purpose. Project may alsobe created as a cooperation involving more than one organization. The informal organizationhas a special meaning in projects. It allows the communication and the creative process withina project. It also helps on reducing the uncertainty in projects, mainly the most innovativeones. Practical implication of this paper is the development of a conceptual theory regardingprojects based on concepts such as cooperative systems, formal and informal organizations,and temporality. Not all organizations are equal. One size does not fit all. Not all projects areequals. Projects are unique and time limited. This paper is valuable to the ProjectManagement science due to the rescue of the concepts of Chester Barnard and its extension toprojects. The role of the Project Manager is also discussed in terms of authority, leadership,and responsibility. He needs to establish communication channels between project, projectteam members and related organizations. Projects and organizations demand morecommunication efforts. Its results may provide beneficial changes to the involvedorganizations.

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