EnANPAD 2011

Trabalhos apresentados

Offshoring of Skilled Services: An Analysis of Opportunities in Developing Economies


Código: ESO705
Divisão: ESO - Estratégia em Organizações
Tema de Interesse: Tema 11 - Estratégia, Governo e Desenvolvimento


Aline de Abreu, Yeda Swirski de Souza


The purpose of this paper is to contribute with the studies about policies, programs andpractices possibilities in the public and private sectors related to the insertion of companies inthe market of offshoring services. We define offshoring services as “[…] the shifting ofservices from an existing to a new location that is outside national borders independent ofcontrol” (Daub, 2009, p. 34). While developed countries experience a remarkable shortage ofknowledge workers, especially in the Science and Technology (S&E) areas, emergingeconomies have been taking advantage of this opportunity to create and improve their ownpools of skilled workers in order to answer to this demand (Manning, Massini, & Lewin,2008). In this context, the following question is proposed: What are some feasible publicpolicies and collective actions that can be undertaken by emerging economies to play animportant role in the offshoring services industry global market? Especially, this study aims toanalyze the potential of policies, programs and practices in the public and private sectorsrelated to the insertion of Brazilian companies in the offshoring global market. In order toachieve this objective, four specific objectives were established: (a) to identify evidencesabout the shortage of knowledge workers; (b) to analyze the sources of skilled talent; (c) toidentify public policies that already take place in developed and developing countries; and (d)to propose collective actions that should be put in force in order to help developing economiesto play an important role in the offshoring services industry global market. Also,bibliographies and secondary data were researched, consisting in a synthetic recovery ofmostly recent works on the subject. Based on the studies undertaken for the development ofthis paper, it was realized that there is a tendency of growth of the global demand for offshoreservices, besides a shortage of knowledge, skilled workers. Populations in developedeconomies are aging; students are losing interest in essential areas, such as science,technology, engineering and mathematics; technology innovation is constant. These are justsome of the factors which can explain and predict the ongoing shortage of knowledge workersthat is being experienced worldwide. In specific relation to Brazil, studies showed that thecountry will face challenges to differ its offering from its main competitors. Some of thechallenges include constructing and promoting a consistent image of technological offer andcontent, influencing positive perceptions about the stability in the business environment,improving the quality and guarantying a growing human resources offer, expandinginvestments in innovation and the domain of new technological platforms and balance the taxburden with international market practices.

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