EnANPAD 2011

Trabalhos apresentados

Multiple Criteria and Multiple Periods Performance Analysis of the Brazilian Public Fundamental School: Employing the DEA-MALMQUIST Method


Código: APB1356
Divisão: APB - Administração Pública
Tema de Interesse: Tema 04 - Planejamento, Finanças e Controle no Setor Público


Carlos Rosano Peña


This study estimated the efficiency and productivity of the Brazilian public fundamentalschool, using the production theory with a multiple criteria and multiple periods performanceanalysis. The multiple criteria approach was based on the method Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) for measuring the relative efficiency of the unities of the Brazilian federation thatoperate in differentiated contexts and deal with multiple-inputs/multiple-outputs. The multipleperiods analysis was combined using Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) that measures thetotal factors productivity change, decomposed into technical efficiency change andtechnological changes. In this research, education is seen as any other productive function andit is represented by the technical relation between one set of productive factors that arecombined in order to produce a given set of outputs. Hence, we selected the variables thatinfluence, determine and represent the school results: the school environment, inputs andoutputs of the model. To characterize the environment was selected the Human DevelopmentIndex of the states (IHD-E). The considered inputs are: a) the average of teaching function per1000 pupils at the fundamental education from 5th to 8th grade; b) the average of classes per1000 pupils at 8th grade; c) the number of pupils removed for abandonment by 1000 pupils at8th grade. The first variable is related to the human resources allocated and the second to thephysical infrastructure and equipments available. The last variable in fact is an undesirableoutput, but as it represents a social outlay, we decided to acknowledge it as an input, invertingits original value. The selected education output were: a) the approval rate at the 8th grade; b)the average proficiency on Portuguese at 8th grade in urban schools; c) the average proficiencyon Math of the Saeb at 8th grade in urban schools. The first indicator measures the quantitativeaspect of the education process, while the others measure the quality of the output. The resultsof analysis indicate that the mean of the efficiency indexes of the unities resulted of 97.22%,in which 0.39% is explained by environment factors and 2.39% by the managementinefficiency. On the period of the analysis, the MPI reflects an incline that can be explainedby the technological innovation. The investigation also demonstrated that there is a strongevidence of the convergence on the development of the unities. An important conclusion isthat although the obvious positive correlation between the resources available and theeducation results, such relation is likely to become spurious as inefficiency evidences comesout. Higher allocation of inputs does not ensure better results, if inefficiency of theeducational unities is not solved, i.e. more resources to an inefficient unity will end up onwasting money.

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