Creativity Business Cultures: A Hermeneutic Examination in Advertising Agencies
Código: MKT3052
Divisão: MKT - Marketing
Tema de Interesse: MKT-A - Métodos de Pesquisa e Teoria em Marketing
Thomas G. Brashear, Elad Granot
A theory-building, exploratory study was conducted to understand how creative advertisingexecutives make meaning of creativity in a cultural context. This study extends creativityresearch in advertising and creative cultures in general by using hermeneutic phenomenology.In-depth interviews were conducted with respondents, all in senior creative roles in advertisingagencies. The results suggest that creativity in advertising incorporates a complex set of resultsdriveninteractive components which simultaneously affect and are affected by the interaction ofartistic, aesthetic elements and business strategy. The findings show that an understanding ofcreative cultures and processes can enable their replications in other business sectors.
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