EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

The Effects of the Emphasis of Firms' R&D on Patenting Behaviour


Código: GCT1753
Divisão: GCT - Gestão de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Tema de Interesse: GCT-B - Gestão de Tecnologia e Inovação


Henrique M. Barros


This paper provides new evidence of firms’ patenting behaviour based upon a survey of R&Dspenders operating in UK manufacturing. We have explored the relationship between firms’emphasis on either research or development and the way their patents are jointly organised.Although we have observed that neither the focus on research nor the focus on developmentaffects in a different way how patent portfolios are constructed, we have found that theprominence of either activity impacts differently on firms’ decision-making as to where,when, and what to patent. In particular, our findings indicate that the enforcement climate ismore important to research-oriented firms than to development-oriented firms. Moreover,research-oriented firms need more time to take an invention to the marketplace, and hencemake use of follow-up applications more extensively in an attempt to patent each attribute ofthe final invention. Our findings also revealed that patents of broader scope are more valuableto research-oriented firms than to development-oriented firms.

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