EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

Institutional analysis of Public Policies against piracy


Código: EOR1160
Divisão: EOR - Estudos Organizacionais
Tema de Interesse: EOR-A - Teoria das Organizações


Arnaldo L. Ryngelblum, Ernesto M. Giglio


This paper discusses the case when an organizational field is challenged by theinstitutionalization of practices by illegal competitors such as pirates. It aims to assess theeffectiveness of public policies meant to counter these unfair practices, based on an enhancedInstitutional model. The model is conceived based on two parts, both meant to assault the piratechallenge, where one is turned to deinstitutionalize its operational practices, while the otheraims at its legitimization support. We have conducted a case study with interviews withexecutives of different governmental agencies that have established their perception of thesituation and the actions undertaken in response. The analysis was performed based on a modelprepared to respond to exogenous challenges dropping the isomorphic-passive institutionalperspective. This analysis shows that activities have repeated much of the usual procedures thestate had already undertaken previously, such as repression and judicial suits, which bythemselves are incapable of performing the task of effacing or dismantling piracy. This in a wayconfirms organizations’ tendency to repeat confirmed practices in most situations. The paperalso shows that society is prepared to absorb paradoxical practices living side by side.

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