EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

Social Capital and Economic Development: A case study at ten US flat rolled steel minimills


Código: ESO643
Divisão: ESO - Estratégia em Organizações
Tema de Interesse: ESO-C - Empreendedorismo e Comportamento Empreendedor


Joao Orlando Rodrigues de Menezes, Osvaldo Galvao Caldas da Cunha, Igor Abreu e Lima


Social capital is a powerful concept that is given different meanings by differentpeople for different purposes. In here it will be used the term social capital as a factor, part ofthe democratic process, required to produce regional development. In this case study, it isanalyzed the relationships created and maintained around the stakeholders of ten flat rolledsteel minimills installed in the US, and how it evolved creating value to themselves, to thebusiness and to the region, as a whole. It is also examined here the significant themes at eachstage of the minimill development process and how they contributed to the overall growth ofthe business. A chart shows how social capital was generated via the network of cooperationits consequences (returns) to customers, to the distribution channels, to strategic alliances, tointernal resources, and to the firm. The framework devised can be used to better understandissues related to the development lifecycle of firms and help negotiating firm boundaries withpeers. This context makes it possible to offer guidance to regional planners in terms of thedevelopment potential of particular steel mill prospects in a given region, as it will bedemonstrated.

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