The Influence of Transversal CSR Structure on Headquarters/Subsidiary Integration
Código: APS715
Divisão: APS - Administração Pública e Gestão Social
Tema de Interesse: APS-C - Gestão Social e Ambiental
Luciano Barin Cruz, Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete
The emergence and consolidation of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) debate leadsMultinational Companies (MNCs) to introduce this subject in their main strategies. Somestudies have already highlighted the effects of the introduction of CSR projects on MNCs’strategies. However, little attention has been given to the influence of transversal CSRstructure on Headquarters/Subsidiary integration. In this article, we start from the followingquestion: What is the influence of the introduction of CSR discussion onHeadquarters/Subsidiary integration? Our main objective is to propose a framework based onfour propositions about the influence of a transversal CSR structure onHeadquarters/Subsidiary integration. We define transversal CSR structure as: 1) the existenceof a CSR directory at Headquarters level and a CSR representative at Subsidiary level, and 2)the existence of representatives from different areas who participate in meetings orcommittees to make decisions about CSR strategy. As our main contribution, we argue that atransversal CSR structure leads to an integrated Headquarters/Subsidiary strategy. Integrationoccurs through the mediation of three main elements: information exchange, awarenessactivities, and objectives definition.
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