EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

CSR in the Global Market Place: Towards Sustainable Global Value Chains


Código: APS200
Divisão: APS - Administração Pública e Gestão Social
Tema de Interesse: APS-C - Gestão Social e Ambiental


Luciano Barin Cruz, Dirk Michael Boehe


Global managers are increasingly putting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ontheir agendas. Market segments for socially and environmentally responsible products areemerging and they capture growing market shares. Our aim is to identify and to characterizesome conditions under which a Sustainable Global Value Chain might gain internationalcompetitiveness. With this aim in mind, we make the following contributions: 1) we proposea new concept called ‘Sustainable Global Value Chains’ which might stimulate an emergingresearch field; 2) we propose six testable propositions which set out key conditions underwhat Sustainable Global Value Chains are likely to become competitive; our propositionshave implications for future research and managerial decision-making; 3) we stimulatemanagers of organizations which participate in global value chains to rethink their role in theglobal market place and to become more sensible to potential strategic as well as ethicalhazards.

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