EnANPAD 2008

Trabalhos Apresentados

Policies Promoting MNEs Linkages in Host Economies: A Comparison Between Brazil and Malaysia


Código: APS2904
Divisão: APS - Administração Pública e Gestão Social
Tema de Interesse: APS-B - Gestão e Políticas Públicas


Axèle Giroud, Delane Botelho


One important source of development and technology in-flow in developing and emerginghost countries is related to the externalities resulting from the linkages that (small) localsuppliers can forge with (large) multinational corporations (MNEs). Public policies andinstitutions (such as investment promotion agencies) can play a crucial role in promoting suchlinkages. The aim of our article is to evaluate, compare and contrast policies currently adoptedby the Brazilian and Malaysian governments. This paper therefore contributes by highlightinggood practice in the developing world, since both Brazil and Malaysia provide good cases ofcountries implementing linkage initiatives for development. These policy initiatives areanalyzed and discussed in relation to MNEs strategies and governments’ developmentalobjectives in host developing economies. Policy recommendations are drawn, not only forBrazil and Malaysia, but also for other developing economies wishing to enhance thepotential developmental impact of foreign MNEs activities in their national boundaries.

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